I'm Puppy99NMS and I decided to make a blog on one of my favorite websites, AnimalJam, hope you enjoy :)
Friday, August 24, 2012
Hey Guys..
Not really feeling the whole entire posting thing. Anyways, I know this blog is dropping in views, so to you who DO check it, please go to this blog: http://animaljamsweetz.blogspot.com/ Thanks. Ttyl?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Hi jammers.. wanna here a story? Well, here is a long story. It all started when the user Nasser76 added me. I was thrilled to be his friend, finally. Thats when I finally got rid of my striped blue top, I traded it for Solid Black top, Regular beard, and two other rares. Then, Nasser and someome named MMCCARTHY02 met. They made a plan to scam me. They started out with someone named parotboyparot. They pretended to give MMC a worn, then asked me if they would borrow wings. I greatly declined. After about 30 minutes of the same ol' begging, I finally let him. He ran away and defriended me. I was crying then, over non member wings. Everyone was comforting me, and said they would trade what they had for a set of wings, but I couldn't take that offer. Then, Nasser and MMC tried to fake comfort me. I let MMC borrow my striped blue, then nasser borrow my Solid Black. Then, nasser wanted the striped blue too, so MMC sent it to him. He then said, brb. After about a minute or so, he said, "Haha! I can't believe you trusted me!" and ran off. MMC statted she had no idea what was going on, and tried to fake comfort me once more. I bought the comfort. But, I was really mad that she gave it to him. I then logged off and woke my sister up to tell her. She was upset as well, that my wings and 2 top hats were scammed because of my stupidity of believeing people. Then, I told everyone I was quitting, because there was no use of staying any longer. But then, my friend alexiajade said, "I can't believe I'm about to do this.." and she sent me a solid black top. I was so happy, and decided to stay. I payed her back by lovely comments and hanging out with her all the time. Then on, I met a new friend jasper521. She only had a pink beard then. She then started to date nasser. I told her what went on, and we decided to make a plan and get back my stuff. So, they were borrowing items at the time (he was borrowing pink beard and pink top) and she (was borrowing silver beard and tan top) said that she wouldn't give back the stuff. So, scammed him. Then, we went for the pink beard, so I could get what was mine, back. But, he didn't trust her anymore. So, she sent me her tan top to borrow, so I said, "Can I try on the pink beard to see how it looks with this top?" He let me, and we scammed it. But jasper took all the items for herself when what he scammed, he got with a tan top. So, jasper and I decided to share items, and we trusted each other. Until one day, I told her I wanted the tan top to keep, since what Nasser scammed thats what he got. Hi jammers.. wanna here a story? Well, here is a long story. It all started when the user Nasser76 added me. I was thrilled to be his friend, finally. Thats when I finally got rid of my striped blue top, I traded it for Solid Black top, Regular beard, and two other rares. Then, Nasser and someome named MMCCARTHY02 met. They made a plan to scam me. They started out with someone named parotboyparot. They pretended to give MMC a worn, then asked me if they would borrow wings. I greatly declined. After about 30 minutes of the same ol' begging, I finally let him. He ran away and defriended me. I was crying then, over non member wings. Everyone was comforting me, and said they would trade what they had for a set of wings, but I couldn't take that offer. Then, Nasser and MMC tried to fake comfort me. I let MMC borrow my striped blue, then nasser borrow my Solid Black. Then, nasser wanted the striped blue too, so MMC sent it to him. He then said, brb. After about a minute or so, he said, "Haha! I can't believe you trusted me!" and ran off. MMC statted she had no idea what was going on, and tried to fake comfort me once more. I bought the comfort. But, I was really mad that she gave it to him. I then logged off and woke my sister up to tell her. She was upset as well, that my wings and 2 top hats were scammed because of my stupidity of believeing people. Then, I told everyone I was quitting, because there was no use of staying any longer. But then, my friend alexiajade said, "I can't believe I'm about to do this.." and she sent me a solid black top. I was so happy, and decided to stay. I payed her back by lovely comments and hanging out with her all the time. Then on, I met a new friend jasper521. She only had a pink beard then. She then started to date nasser. I told her what went on, and we decided to make a plan and get back my stuff. So, they were borrowing items at the time (he was borrowing pink beard and pink top) and she (was borrowing silver beard and tan top) said that she wouldn't give back the stuff. So, scammed him. Then, we went for the pink beard, so I could get what was mine, back. But, he didn't trust her anymore. So, she sent me her tan top to borrow, so I said, "Can I try on the pink beard to see how it looks with this top?" He let me, and we scammed it. But jasper took all the items for herself when what he scammed, he got with a tan top. So, jasper and I decided to share items, and we trusted each other. Until one day, I told her I wanted the tan top to keep, since what Nasser scammed thats what he got. She rudefuly said No, and defriended me. I left, sobbing over rare lose and fake friends. Then, kaelynkaelyn (my sister) wanted to make a plan to get jasper's cream beard, in which belonged to us. Goldy and lemon wanted in on the plan. So, we made fake facebook accounts (our usernames) and made a plan. Our plan was for lemon to sweet talk jasper into letting him wear her beard. So, he made the den "LemonandJaspyforever" and had kaelyn, goldy, and I hiding in a bunch of trees. He statted to her that the beard got "lost" in his mail and she said that she was going to call AJHQ. Finally, she quit. And Just yesterday (8/13/12) kaelyn asked lemon if she could borrow something. But, lemon said he gave goldy a tan top and we get nothing, EVEN THOUGH kaelyn made the plan, and If it weren't for me, the plan wouldn't be made up. Then, Goldy started to scream our real names which nasser told her and EVERYONE. So now everyone knows our names, and we had 4 friends betray us so far. But then, I hear that nikisongs and hellopinky also knew that they were telling our names. Pinky said she didn't think clearly, but whatever. Whats done is whats done. So forth, lemon has a cream beard and goldy has a tan top. AND goldy said it was just a "hidden" rare, but it wasn't. It's an item that she got for scamming. YES, THATS RIGHT JAMMERS! Goldfishypuppy/XxFreespiritxX IS a scammer. So is lemonfreeze12. And while this was happening, nasser and visualeffects made a youtube video that we scammed nasser, which we DIDNT. So now we're a -scammer, liar, and rumor maker-quote Nikisongs. I hope everyone understands THE TRUTH. Thanks, bye.
*Im Puppy99NMS and I APPROVE this message!*
Friday, August 10, 2012
Reasons I quit.
Most people are like: "Why did you unbuddy me?!" or "Why are you quitting?!" Well, I unbuddied you because it's something I do when I quit, I delete people. I'm quitting for many reasons, but one MAIN reason is that people always ask me for rares. And/or ask me if I'm giving stuff away.. Like FastFrug.
Well, I'm not, and all you people can call me selfish if you want, or greedy. Although, I'm not giving stuff away because I've worked very hard getting every single item and It would be like throwing away a million dollars. Plus, I'm giving them to my brother who has been asking for them forever. All you members or non members have at least a rare, but he has none. Not to mention every friend I've had has betrayed me, besides one of my really good friends LiveLovePuppy. Thanks Puppy :) Anyways, she has rares and my brother has nothing. So, yeah. Thanks to my 1 FRIEND who has been there by me, for better and worse (:
~Puppy99NMS <3
Well, I'm not, and all you people can call me selfish if you want, or greedy. Although, I'm not giving stuff away because I've worked very hard getting every single item and It would be like throwing away a million dollars. Plus, I'm giving them to my brother who has been asking for them forever. All you members or non members have at least a rare, but he has none. Not to mention every friend I've had has betrayed me, besides one of my really good friends LiveLovePuppy. Thanks Puppy :) Anyways, she has rares and my brother has nothing. So, yeah. Thanks to my 1 FRIEND who has been there by me, for better and worse (:
~Puppy99NMS <3
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
VisualEffects and Nasser76= Scamming Buddiez!
Yes, that's right jammers! If you put two scammers together what do ya' get? SB! (Scamming Buddies) This is what I QUOTE from kaelyn-to nasser (on his blog) :
HoffmanAugust 8, 2012 10:41 PM
"Well, Im am going to tell a little story
about this! I will give all you Jammers seeing this the 1 and only true story
saw it my self! I Swear on my sisters life. This is how it goes: It all started
1 day when Puppy99nms added MMCCARTY02 And My little "Buddey" Here Nasser76. MMC
and Nasser had been making a plan ever scence they added puppy to scam her. What
Poor Puppy didn't Know was...They were making a plan because about 1 month Ago,
MMc and nasser and puppy were at puppys den.Nasser and Mmc asked puppy to try on
tops puppy hesitated but..She had known Mmc and nasser for over 4 months at that
time. And knew nasser the little forn gay guy on Facebook! Whooo go visual u got
your self a good cenameterpenier here! Anyways..Back to the story: So she let
Nasser borrow solid black first then Mmc sent nasser the striped blue.Also...he
was on a differnt acc and scammed puppys wings and sent her another pair on
nasser. Nasser ran away with the tops. After that...Mmc about 2 weeks later
confessed to puppy...I was helping nasser scam the tops. Puppy was
furious.Nasser led every one to beloving all these lies. Soonly after...Me and
puppy had made a plan to get her rares back..We can scam nasser but with the
help of her best friend at the time: Jasper521 He had scammed strpied blue and
solid black..but he did not have those at the time so we had to scam bigger and
he deserved it. Me jasper and puppy made up a good plan.Won't say what but it
worked. Nasser and jasper were really close because they were wearing each
others rares at the time so jasper had: Silver beard and tan top. Nasser had
pink beard and pink top hat. So we got the pink beard and pink top hat while
jasper had the other items. all Nasser had left was:a pink top! Wich was great
bcz when we meet him thats all he had so we got our itmes back we didn't scam.
We both knew he deserved to lose everything. So we made up another plan with me
and puppy. We got the pink top hat. Then shortly after..We let jasper get the
better side of us she took all the items wich left us devastated. Nasser led
everyone to belive we scammed him for the fun. You all think nassers a great guy
well...How do you think he got that founders? Answer that? Soul25 his
"Girlfriend?" Nope! Never date nasser hes a waste of time and i promise you hes
dating you to scam you not because he actully likes you! You may not belive me
but..Thats the truth! Vis be mad all you want but thats that! Thanks every 1,
Kaelynkaelyn! <3"
Yep, Well thats the story guys. And, I didn't even touch what she said, errors and such. Bu thats not the point, the point is that this is what REALLY happened, so don't think I'm scammer! Nor kaelyn! You can even see other vids where jasper was caught scamming:
So thats what happened and Jasper521 is the scammer!
Byeee, Puppy99NMS </3
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I'm Quitting
Yes Jammers! My sister and I (kaelynkaelyn) are offically QUITTING! 3 Cheerz! If you jammers would like to know why look at http://animaljamgoldfish.blogspot.com/2012/08/our-last-animal-jam-days.html There's Reasons A-Z why I'm Quitting. I hope all Our fans realize why; And Please Don't try to stop us from qutting, It'll only make things worse. Thanks Jammers, I hope you understand!
~Puppy99NMS </3
~Puppy99NMS </3
Friday, July 6, 2012
The Contest...
Okay Jammerz! I have choosen The Q's I will be asking about me/aj. But first, the rules.
-No Copying What Other People Have Posted.
-Include your username.
-Don't make this any sort of drama, Please!
-Answer all the questions with answers or don't bother answering.
Q1: What was my first ever account when I first played Animal Jam?
Q2: What's My Sister and My Brothers Names? (I have told alot of people this)
Q3: Have I ever Scammed?
Q4: What's my ultimate favorite item on aj?
Q5: Who's The Adventure Shaman?
Q6: What was the first ever animal to be brought into Animal Jam?
Q7: What's my favorite place to be in Animal Jam?
Q8: How long have I been a blogger? (Need the month and date and year, ex: July 6, 2012)
Q9: What's my favorite animal? (on animaljam)
Q10: How many dogs and cats do I have? What are their names?
-Prize: Mummy Glove!
-No Copying What Other People Have Posted.
-Include your username.
-Don't make this any sort of drama, Please!
-Answer all the questions with answers or don't bother answering.
Q1: What was my first ever account when I first played Animal Jam?
Q2: What's My Sister and My Brothers Names? (I have told alot of people this)
Q3: Have I ever Scammed?
Q4: What's my ultimate favorite item on aj?
Q5: Who's The Adventure Shaman?
Q6: What was the first ever animal to be brought into Animal Jam?
Q7: What's my favorite place to be in Animal Jam?
Q8: How long have I been a blogger? (Need the month and date and year, ex: July 6, 2012)
Q9: What's my favorite animal? (on animaljam)
Q10: How many dogs and cats do I have? What are their names?
-Prize: Mummy Glove!
Heya Jammers! Puppy99NMS Here! I'm Making a New Contest on Questions about Me and/or AnimalJam. The prize is a mummy glove! Standby for questions in which I'll be creating. Make sure to check my blog often for more details, thanks Bye!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Does Animal Jam Guarantee?
On several occasions, I've had friends and others tell me how they have been hacked, scammed, or bullied on Animal Jam. So my question is, does Animal Jam acctually guarantee being safe online? Theres no way to acctually know but, I don't believe Animal Jam is as safe as they say. So jammers, be careful in the virtual word! Bye! (;
I'm Back!
Hay Hay Jammers! Yes, thats right, Im Back! I'll be posting more often after all the trips here lately! Also, My sister has gotten her own blogger account! Please follow her at the following link: http://kaelynkaelynsblog.blogspot.com/ Thanks Jammers, Bye!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Hey Jammers! Puppy99NMS here! Anyways, ever seen the jammer, AndYouThoughtYouWereRare? Well he hs Freedom wings, bands, and mech! Well alot of people think it's coolspeed10..who knows?!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Hey Jammers, It's Puppy99NMS here! Recently, animaljam has been updated ALOT! Most jammers don't have the worse glitches, in which I do. I had a glitch on mine that doubled my rares! I had 3 tops and 1 pair of nm wings and now I have 6 tops and 3 pairs of nm wings! Isn't that crazy? Well, It came out good for me, but I hope animaljam lets me keep them since they "used" my idea of a Horse Derby! Ugh, wish me luck Jammers! :(
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Hai jammers! I'm sorry for not posting lately, because I have been posting on The AnimalJam Scoop. But, I'll try my best to post as often as possible! :3
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Max220 and Shawnana98!
Hey jammers! Did you hear about Max220 hacking Shawnana98? Well friends of shawnana decided to make a clan to protest! I usally don't get into drama, but shawnana used to be my bestfriend. So, this is nessicary. If your friends with max220, then delete and report her!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
This morning, we were at Soul25's den and me and a jammer had traded me a white beard for a leaf. I accepted. But then, I realized that the leaf was my friends and that we needed to trade back. However, this jammer refused to trade back and said that I had to trade my Blue Top Hat for prettyquietchild's full black. I declined and said I rather just keep the beard, knowing it wasn't rare whatsoever. But I traded this jammer back and got the leaf back without trading prettyquietchild. Prettyquietchild is now posting on her blog that I am a scammer. Please, jammers, don't listen! I'm not a scammer! I'm a jammer!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Page Views!
Thank you jammers and from all your help I've gotten almost 600 views! But to get to my goal, 1,000, please tell your friends or family (that play animaljam) to visit my blog and comment on anything they'd like too! But please remember the rules on posting on this blog:
1. Use nice words and be respectful to me and other jammers!
2. No begging for me to use you on certain posts.
3. No being mean to other jammers through commenting on posts!
4. Treat others the way you would like to be treated!
5. Don't post anything that is blank or curse words!
Thank you jammers, and have fun commenting! :3
1. Use nice words and be respectful to me and other jammers!
2. No begging for me to use you on certain posts.
3. No being mean to other jammers through commenting on posts!
4. Treat others the way you would like to be treated!
5. Don't post anything that is blank or curse words!
Thank you jammers, and have fun commenting! :3
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I was at a Lost Ruins Den and I went to click on myself to get into my clothes pop-up and this is what happened...
Idk if his has happened to any other jammers but isnt it weird?! Comment if this has happened 2 you b4!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Scammer on the loose!
Me and a jammer, msb23, were at Jamaa when I noticed a lion named ASHLEYVA was scamming jammers by saying, "Send me items and I'll give you whatever you want on my list!" Sadly enough, msb didn't realize she was scamming until she acctualy was scammed out of a rare phantom item. However, I sent ashley nm horns to make sure she was scamming and she was. So, if you see her anywhere, REPORT HER. And if you're her friend, UNFRIEND her. Watch out for this scammer!
First ever, Animaljam Horse Derby!
That's right jammers! I'll be the first ever jammer to have an annual horse derby, hosted right at my den! This event will be held at 5:00pm on Friday, March 23, 2012! If you see this new event, make sure to tell buddies to attend! All jammers invited and I hope to see you there!
(Need 5 horses to compete in the races, please contact me if your interested and guests can come without permission.)
(Need 5 horses to compete in the races, please contact me if your interested and guests can come without permission.)
Monday, March 19, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Are rares more important than friends' love?
My good friend, Tiger05430, asked me why I haven't been able to get on here lately. I told her because I had lost tons of rares including 2 red top hats, a brown top hat, and a pink top hat. Plus, most of my rlly good friends deleted me because
1. I wasnt on
2. I wasnt as rare as I was b4
Anyways, she said that friends come before rares. Then I realized what a mistake I had made and now I'm returning to Animal Jam. So this message is a shout out to my bestest bud, Tiger05430! (Luv you Tiger! (nh)
1. I wasnt on
2. I wasnt as rare as I was b4
Anyways, she said that friends come before rares. Then I realized what a mistake I had made and now I'm returning to Animal Jam. So this message is a shout out to my bestest bud, Tiger05430! (Luv you Tiger! (nh)
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