
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

VisualEffects and Nasser76= Scamming Buddiez!

Yes, that's right jammers! If you put two scammers together what do ya' get? SB! (Scamming Buddies) This is what I QUOTE from kaelyn-to nasser (on his blog) :

"Well, Im am going to tell a little story about this! I will give all you Jammers seeing this the 1 and only true story saw it my self! I Swear on my sisters life. This is how it goes: It all started 1 day when Puppy99nms added MMCCARTY02 And My little "Buddey" Here Nasser76. MMC and Nasser had been making a plan ever scence they added puppy to scam her. What Poor Puppy didn't Know was...They were making a plan because about 1 month Ago, MMc and nasser and puppy were at puppys den.Nasser and Mmc asked puppy to try on tops puppy hesitated but..She had known Mmc and nasser for over 4 months at that time. And knew nasser the little forn gay guy on Facebook! Whooo go visual u got your self a good cenameterpenier here! Anyways..Back to the story: So she let Nasser borrow solid black first then Mmc sent nasser the striped blue.Also...he was on a differnt acc and scammed puppys wings and sent her another pair on nasser. Nasser ran away with the tops. After that...Mmc about 2 weeks later confessed to puppy...I was helping nasser scam the tops. Puppy was furious.Nasser led every one to beloving all these lies. Soonly after...Me and puppy had made a plan to get her rares back..We can scam nasser but with the help of her best friend at the time: Jasper521 He had scammed strpied blue and solid black..but he did not have those at the time so we had to scam bigger and he deserved it. Me jasper and puppy made up a good plan.Won't say what but it worked. Nasser and jasper were really close because they were wearing each others rares at the time so jasper had: Silver beard and tan top. Nasser had pink beard and pink top hat. So we got the pink beard and pink top hat while jasper had the other items. all Nasser had left was:a pink top! Wich was great bcz when we meet him thats all he had so we got our itmes back we didn't scam. We both knew he deserved to lose everything. So we made up another plan with me and puppy. We got the pink top hat. Then shortly after..We let jasper get the better side of us she took all the items wich left us devastated. Nasser led everyone to belive we scammed him for the fun. You all think nassers a great guy well...How do you think he got that founders? Answer that? Soul25 his "Girlfriend?" Nope! Never date nasser hes a waste of time and i promise you hes dating you to scam you not because he actully likes you! You may not belive me but..Thats the truth! Vis be mad all you want but thats that! Thanks every 1, Kaelynkaelyn! <3"
Yep, Well thats the story guys. And, I didn't even touch what she said, errors and such. Bu thats not the point, the point is that this is what REALLY happened, so don't think I'm scammer! Nor kaelyn! You can even see other vids where jasper was caught scamming:

So thats what happened and Jasper521 is the scammer!

Byeee, Puppy99NMS </3

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